Since it’s National SleepAwareness Week this week’s blog posts are following a theme. My last post was about drowsy driving and how you can stay alert behind the wheel when you
don’t get enough sleep. This post discusses how you can actually catch those
elusive ZZZ’s.
I’m not a sleep expert but I
have some great credentials! I sleep every day! I kid, but I’ve actually
developed some great habits over the years and am sharing them with you in
hopes one might help. I’m in my fourth year as a full-time college student and
have always held one to three jobs in addition to school. I used to toss and
turn at night but now I’m out as soon as my head hits the pillow thanks to
breaking some bad habits and making some good ones.
Everyone is unique and has
different schedules and their bodies react differently so don’t worry if
everything I list doesn’t work for you. Pick what does and stick with it! You’ll
feel the results in a surprisingly short amount of time.
a regular bedtime routine.
bed I have a system. First I change into my PJs to get into that bedtime
mindset. Then I have to wash up, brush my teeth, and so on. The trick here is
to do things in the same order every time and try to get ready at the same time
every day. Your body gets used to your system and as you’re going through the
motions it triggers an “oh, it’s almost bedtime” response.
a regular bedtime and wake-up schedule.
semester is the first time where I have to wake up within a half hour window
five days a week. In the past I would wake up early twice a week to go to work
but then sleep in the rest of the week because my classes were much later.
Having this regular routine makes me feel great! I was never an early riser but
you get used to it. And now I get tired around the same time daily so I spend
less time lying awake in bed.
the caffeine and sugar!
affects everyone differently. I can drink two cups of coffee and then fall
asleep no problem but others need at least four hours of no caffeine if they
want to fall asleep at night. On the other hand I can’t have any sugar after 8
p.m. if I want to go to sleep. I don’t know the science behind it but if you
drink soda around dinner time or have extremely sugary desserts try going a few
days without it and see if you fall asleep more easily.
the television, e-readers and smart phones before bedtime.
light that the TV, e-readers and smart phones project affects your brain the
same way that sunlight does. Even if you know it is dark outside your body
thinks the sun is still up and that it’s not bedtime. Shut the TV at least an
hour before bedtime and wind down some other way. Read a real book or turn off
the backlight on your e-reader and avoid your smart phone.
you can’t sleep then get up!
of the worst things to do if you can’t fall asleep is to continue lying in bed.
After 20-30 minutes of restlessness you need to get up and do some monotonous task like fold laundry or
make a to-do list. When you’re in bed for that long you get mad that you can’t
fall asleep and that’s all your brain thinks about which, ironically, keeps you
awake longer. Get up for 15 minutes, relax a bit, and then try again. You’ll be
surprised that the 15 minutes of extra activity will help you fall asleep
I hope some of this helps!
Getting a good night’s sleep is extremely important and can result in you
having a more productive day, studying better, being a safer driver and more!
Have a good night = )