Friday, November 21, 2014

You've Been Catfished: Hiring Fake Repairmen Off the Internet

When something breaks, you hire a repairman. However, repairman are expensive. No one wants to waste thousands of dollars by hiring a contractor, so individuals seek advice from friends and family. If friends and family don't have expertise, you take to the internet! The internet is a wonderful place, having many different sites. One site in particular allows you to buy and sell things for cheap, and find local persons in the area that are "qualified" as service repairmen. This site is craigslist. You browse around, and find a repairman that charges a decent price, and you call him up and hire him. You have complete faith and trust in this person, since they listed themselves as "Professional" and you have no doubt in your mind that they will do just as good a job  as the service companies that cost a fortune.

A group of men arrive at your house, you invite them in and have them take a look at the problem. They give you an estimation and a timeframe for it to be completed, for example two weeks, and you write them a check, and pat yourself on the back for being responsible and not getting "ripped off"...

Well, two weeks have gone by. A month has passed, and these workmen still say they are not finished with the job. You start to question their work, and also begin to question whether you have hired the right people for the task. Then, your worst nightmare happens: they stop showing up. You paid them for the job, yet the job is unfinished. You call the man that put the ad on craigslist, and the number has been disconnected. You call the police and file charges. You then hire a well-known company to come out and take a look at the job. They say the problem was exasperated by the previous workers, since they wanted you to pay more money or they just had no idea what they were doing. You accept this as reality, and realize that you should have hired the reputable company in the first place.

This is the LAST thing you want to happen to you, but it happened in the Orlando area, and happens frequently around the country. Not only do you need to protect your kids from the dangers of the internet, but you also have to protect yourself and take some safety precautions of your own. If something doesn't seem reputable, chances are it's not. This is not to dissuade you from using sites like this. just one thing you have to realize is that anyone can post anything on the internet.  This is what makes the show "Catfish" so entertaining to watch since it's about people posting pictures of other people that don't look like them on their online dating profiles. Recognize you've been catfished, and hire a reputable serviceman from a reputable company that won't take your money and run.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

EDC Orlando

This past weekend, Orlando became home to people from all over the country that were attending the EDC concert two-day event downtown, at Tinker Field. For those of you unaware of the electric music rave scene, EDC stands for Electric Daisy Carnival. The concert event hosts many famous DJs, playing music in categories techno and house. According to the Orlando Sentinel, 43 individuals were hospitalized that attended the event. On the EDC website, they offer safety tips and advice for people going to the event with the title "Hang out, Don't Pass out". Here are a few tips taken from them:

  • Don't drink Under 21
  • You do not need to consume excessive amounts of alcohol to have fun
  • Drunk people are not capable of being responsible for other individuals; therefore, if you think you or a friend are dehydrated or may have alcohol poisoning, head to the one of the health tables immediately.

For more tips, check out the link above, even if you're just attending a regular concert and not just a techno carnival. Having never been to a techno type concert, I found the pictures of the outfits that people wear are very entertaining. I thought wearing tutus and sparkly tops were something only little girls did for dress-up, but the outfits people concoct are beyond garish. It almost seems as if going to one of these concerts is to enter a world of its own, where you can wear anything you want, dance uncontrollably, and listen to the music.  Maybe I'll have to attend next year :)

Monday, October 27, 2014

October Networking Luncheon

This past Friday, the Safety Council hosted it's monthly Networking Luncheon, taking place at Mimi's Cafe in Orlando. The topic of interest at the event was I-4 construction, and all the changes that are being made to this major highway and it's effects on the greater Orlando area. Speaking at the luncheon were Mike Wacht and Dave Parks, both spokespersons for the I-4 Ultimate Improvement Project. The project is estimated to begin in early 2015, and have a total span of six and a half years. Because most of the construction will be occurring at night, there shouldn't be problems with traffic during the day. Thanks guys for the information, and we hope to catch up with you both this time next year to see how the project is going! Watch out for the video of the luncheon on our YouTube channel, coming soon.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sunday Punday

Sunday is a gift to be cherished, which is why so many artists wrote songs about it. The Bangles sang, "wish it were Sunday, that's my fun day" in their song Manic Monday.  Maroon 5 sings, "driving slow on sunday morning, I never want to leave" in their song Sunday Morning. And my most favorite is Lionel Richie's Easy, "I'm easy like Sunday morning."  Sunday's perfect. It's slow, it's relaxed, and the day is filled with hardly any commitments.

As a kid, I had a Sunday morning routine. I would wake up, and my dad would always make me my Sunday sundae, which was a waffle ice cream sandwich. My mom would also prepare my coffee, which was either a glass of chocolate milk or hot cocoa depending on the season. I would eat while reading comics, and I felt just as important reading those as my dad must have while reading the other sections, keeping up on current events. 

Being an adult now, I still like to have a Sunday morning routine even in my hectic schedule. I wake up, take my dog for a walk, make myself a pot of coffee, and grab a bowl of my favorite cereal (wishing I could eat a delectable ice cream sundae for breakfast). Sunday morning is the time I allow myself to read my favorite websites BuzzFeed and Elite Daily. These websites scream the millennial generation, offering life advice, food tips, and more. While browsing this morning, I stumbled upon a list of puns, which had me laughing for a good 15 minutes. Below are a few examples, but take some time this Sunday or next to read them all, trust me you'll think they're punny. Here

Can You Really Taste the Difference?

Being a 21 year old girl, having gone to an all-girls high school, and attending a liberal arts college, I have heard of every diet under the sun. From the juice cleanse, to no carbs, to only carbs, to only eating fish, to suddenly becoming a vegetarian or a vegan, I have witnessed it all. In the cafeteria and at grocery stores, I see people looking heavily at nutrition contents, and asking workers if this lettuce, meat, poultry, etc. is "truly" organic. Having a minor in chemistry, I have more knowledge on the actual content and chemical structures in foods. Being a public relations major, I have learned that companies will say anything to persuade customers to buy their products, and that the FDA doesn't have a standard definition of the word "organic" and how it pertains to food. This being said, I have come to question all these yoyo-dieters, and health nuts. Most people, and in this video especially, refer to them as "food snobs."

This morning while checking for media news on safety issues around Florida, I stumbled upon a video on food snobs not being able to tell the difference between McDonald's and organic food.  I decided to check it out, and I was amazed by some of the things individuals said while trying the supposed "organic burgers."  Check it out here

Monday, October 20, 2014

Don't Forget, October is Fire Safety Month!

I will always remember fire drills. Whether they were in elementary school, high school, or even in college, they were all somewhat memorable. A few teachers regarded them as a nuisance for wasting class time, and students were unhappy if they had to quickly jump out of the dorm shower and go outside in a towel, but I always thought highly of them. I thought highly of them not because it gave me a chance to get out of class, but because the way everyone acted during them. Even when the ear-numbing alarm went off, everyone remained calm. This calmness is only achieved through safety education.

At a young age, children are taught what to do when the fire alarm goes off. They are taught to listen to their teacher and follow all instructions. When I was first learning to read, my favorite book was Smokey The Bear. Smokey is known for saying, "only YOU can prevent wildfires!"  Not only is it a heartwarming story, but it's also packed with tons of fire safety information. Fire safety education is key for children, and also extremely important for adults. In honor of it being Fire Safety Month, here are a few fire safety tips:

  •  Don't leave food unattended on the stove or in the oven. If your oven catches on fire, keep the door closed and turn off the heat. When cooking on the stove, keep a lid nearby in order to cover grease fires quickly.

  • Candles should be used in rooms only when people are present. Always blow out a candle if you are leaving the room. Remember that there are great alternatives to candles, such as flameless candles. Use a flashlight instead of candles during power outages.

  • If you smoke cigarettes or cigars, always remember to put them out completely when finished. Never throw cigarette butts into shrubbery.

  • Never try to do electrical work yourself, always have it done by a trained electrician. Only use light bulbs with the appropriate wattage.

  • Have a planned exit route out of your home if a fire were to occur. When entering a new office or building, keep note of exits and fire safety precautions and drills.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

More Pictures from the Sons of Anarchy Event!

Here are some of my favorite pictures that I took at the Sons of Anarchy event at Stormy Hill Harley Davidson in Clermont, FL (September 21, 2014).

Mark Boone Junior riding in!

He is just so sassy! I love it.



These fans were so happy :)


Checking out some price tags.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Network Luncheon with Gatorland!

Today was the network luncheon that the Safety Council holds monthly. It was held at Mimi's Café in Orlando. Not only was the food delicious, but the luncheon was also very educational thanks to our guest speaker, Tim Williams from Gatorland, Orlando. Tim is known as "Dean of Gator Wrestling." He also has a great sense of humor!

I wasn't sure what to expect when Tim entered the restaurant carrying a duffle bag and a chest, however I soon found out that they contained a small gator, tarantula, lizard, and snake. Brave members of the audience were called up to volunteer....

Tim explained that spider bites are more common than you think, especially from brown recluse spiders which are highly poisonous. He said if you get bitten by one, don't take matters into your own hands, but head to the emergency center ASAP. (Hopefully I don't encounter one anytime soon.) Next out of the chest was a lizard, and this time I was the one called up. I was terrified at first to touch it, but after the presentation I faced my fear and even look like a natural.

The bravest of all were the ones that held the snake...

Hopefully next month's luncheon is just as fun!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Selfies with the Stars of Sons of Anarchy!

Yesterday was a very exciting day for the Safety Council and myself, as they were one of the sponsors of the Ride Meet & Greet Event, presenting Sons of Anarchy characters Chibs (Tommy Flanagan), Opie (Ryan Hurst), and Bobby (Mark Boone Junior). I didn't know what to expect before I arrived at Stormy Hill Harley Davidson, in Clermont. However, once I got there and saw the hustle of the Harley Davidson employees and the dozens of fans walking about, I knew it was going to be a hectic day. I was given a Nikon camera and was told to take photos with both that and my iPhone, so pictures could be immediately posted onto the council's social media websites. It was tricky trying to maneuver both cameras, situate myself in a position where I could see the actors riding in on motorcycles, and get a good shot while also trying to push my way through the crowd. It ended up being a fantastic day! Here are just a few snaps from my iPhone. Nikon pictures to come soon!

Harley Davidson's Stormy Hill Store, Clermont, FL.

Florida Safety Council Learn-To-Ride sign
Cool shirts and fun Harley Davidson employees

Wonderful ladies of Florida Safety Council!

Hey Chibs (Tommy Flanagan)!

Seflie with Bobby (Mark Boone Junior)-he wouldn't let me smile!
Selfie with Opie (Ryan Hurst)


Friday, September 19, 2014

Flu Season is Coming

I remember the feeling vividly. I woke up, couldn't lift my head from the pillow because I was so dizzy; had chills all over my body, yet I was sweating. I had no idea what was happening, but as soon as the nurse saw me, she knew I had the flu. It was one of the most miserable experiences, and kept me from going to school for almost two weeks. When I recovered, I told myself that I am never going through this ever again. Now that I am in college, I have to take extra precaution against contracting the virus because who has time to be bedridden for two weeks, let alone a few days.


What is the flu?

The flu is an extremely contagious disease that is caused by the influenza virus. It occurs every year and is constantly changing, which is why it is so important to get the vaccine annually! Everyone is susceptible to catching the virus (this includes college students who think they are invincible!).  Although everyone can catch the virus, symptoms and severity range for different groups, such as babies, pregnant women, and the elderly.

Common Symptoms:

  • headache & fever
  • dizziness
  • body aches
  • fatigue
  • stuffy/runny nose
  • sore throat
  • possible diarrhea and vomiting


How to prevent it?

The only way to prevent contracting the virus is by getting vaccinated. A lot of people are confused as to why they have to get the shot annually, but it's because the virus changes year to year. Just because you got the shot last year, doesn't mean that it will protect you against this year's virus. The virus is contracted from being in close contact with infected individuals, or by touching surfaces they either coughed or sneezed on. It's important to carry hand sanitizer wherever you go, and to utilize the sanitary wipes before touching the shopping carts!


Where can I get the vaccine?

The vaccine is given by shot or nasally. If you are a college student, you can schedule an appointment at your institution's health center. You can also go to your local drugstore without an appointment and receive it, such as Walgreens, Publix, or Walmart. Or schedule an appointment at your doctor's office.


Friday, September 12, 2014

College Drinking: The Do's and Don'ts

With it being Friday and the weekend about to begin, I would like to share a post on drinking. Drinking is a shared pastime and activity for college students all over the country. As a college senior, I have heard almost every trick in the book of how to "sober up" and over the years, I have realized that many college students are unaware of what exactly alcohol does to the body, and are misinformed on how to sober up.

What Does Intoxicated Mean?

Alcohol affects the brain, which is the Central Nervous System of the body. It is also a depressant, so when consumed, alcohol suppresses nerve cells, slowing them down. A person that is intoxicated has had an excess of alcoholic drinks, and has lost control of basic motor skills and balance. This is why intoxicated persons are so easy to point out since they have slower reaction times, dulled hearing, and impaired vision. Also the reason why such persons tend to make bad decisions and have foggy memories.

Common Myths of How to Sober Up:

  • Take a cold shower
  • Drink black coffee
  • Smoke a cigarette
  • Get fresh air
  • Drink water
  • Eat food
  • Exercise
NOTE: None of these will make an intoxicated person sober. 


Time is a magical thing, and is also the ONLY thing that will make an intoxicated person sober. You should also use it as a basis to determine your driving capability. Usually, it takes 1 hour for your body to process one drink. One drink means 1 12oz beer, 1 glass of wine, or 1 1.5oz shot of
liquor. Remember that different people process alcohol differently. It is also scientifically proved that men process alcohol differently than women. NEVER try to compete with someone.

Stay safe and have a great weekend! 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

New Marketing Intern at Florida Safety Council


My name is Julia Clancy, I am the newest marketing intern at Florida Safety Council. I look forward to sharing posts that are relevant to safety and my everyday life as a college student! My first post was Driving Under The Influence-Don't Do It! I am currently a senior at Rollins College, pursuing a degree in communications with a concentration in Public Relations, and a minor in chemistry. I am new to Orlando, originally from the DC area. A lot of people ask me what I miss most about home and I always say autumn, but really nothing beats the sunshine and eighty degree weather. This position was intriguing for me because not only does it include my interests in marketing and PR, but also general safety practices and regulations!

Hope you enjoy,


Driving Under The Influence–Don't Do It!

According to the CDC, young people aged 21-24 are most at risk for getting into a DUI related crash. With colleges back in session, it is essential for students to remember what qualifies as driving under the influence, and how to take prompt action in order to prevent it. What exactly is driving under the influence? In the state of Florida, you are legally impaired if you have a BAC of .08% or higher. However, DUIs are not just alcohol related, but also drug.
 Police officers have devices and methods to determine whether  someone is impaired. They can use breathalyzers to get a reading of your BAC, or observe behavior, looking for red eyes and slurred speech. They can also conduct field sobriety tests that test a driver's motor skills and balance, such as standing on one leg or reciting the alphabet backwards. To avoid the embarrassment of getting pulled over and performing these tests, there are simple things college students can do–one of them being as easy as not getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol or drugs! 

Simple Ways to Prevent Getting a DUI:

  • If you feel intoxicated, DO NOT drive
  • Choose a designated driver before going out
  • Take a taxithe fare may seem like a lot, but is significantly less than a DUI fine! 
  • Limit alcohol consumption and wait the appropriate amount of time before driving
  • Carry a portable breathalyzer