Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Join the Movement

Join the Movement to End Texting and Driving

Drivers who read or send texts while behind the wheel are more likely to cause crashes – often leading to life changing injuries and deaths. To put an end to texting and driving, AT&T launched the It Can Wait campaign, which Florida/United Safety Council is proud to be a part of.

We’re excited to help take the It Can Wait movement one step further with “Drive 4 Pledges Day” on September 19, 2013. On this day, It Can Wait advocates will be asking every driver to join us in making a personal commitment not to text and drive – and recruiting others to do the same. To succeed in making texting and driving a thing of the past, we’re going to need everybody’s help. 

There are many easy ways to get involved. Once you take the pledge online, ask four other people to vow never to text and drive, or simply share your pledge and what it means to you through your social media channels.

Here is a sample post:

·      No text is worth a life. Join me and @ATT to Drive 4 Pledges against texting while driving. #ItCanWait
For more ideas on how to get involved and information about texting and driving, visit