Tuesday, September 30, 2014

More Pictures from the Sons of Anarchy Event!

Here are some of my favorite pictures that I took at the Sons of Anarchy event at Stormy Hill Harley Davidson in Clermont, FL (September 21, 2014).

Mark Boone Junior riding in!

He is just so sassy! I love it.



These fans were so happy :)


Checking out some price tags.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Network Luncheon with Gatorland!

Today was the network luncheon that the Safety Council holds monthly. It was held at Mimi's Café in Orlando. Not only was the food delicious, but the luncheon was also very educational thanks to our guest speaker, Tim Williams from Gatorland, Orlando. Tim is known as "Dean of Gator Wrestling." He also has a great sense of humor!

I wasn't sure what to expect when Tim entered the restaurant carrying a duffle bag and a chest, however I soon found out that they contained a small gator, tarantula, lizard, and snake. Brave members of the audience were called up to volunteer....

Tim explained that spider bites are more common than you think, especially from brown recluse spiders which are highly poisonous. He said if you get bitten by one, don't take matters into your own hands, but head to the emergency center ASAP. (Hopefully I don't encounter one anytime soon.) Next out of the chest was a lizard, and this time I was the one called up. I was terrified at first to touch it, but after the presentation I faced my fear and even look like a natural.

The bravest of all were the ones that held the snake...

Hopefully next month's luncheon is just as fun!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Selfies with the Stars of Sons of Anarchy!

Yesterday was a very exciting day for the Safety Council and myself, as they were one of the sponsors of the Ride Meet & Greet Event, presenting Sons of Anarchy characters Chibs (Tommy Flanagan), Opie (Ryan Hurst), and Bobby (Mark Boone Junior). I didn't know what to expect before I arrived at Stormy Hill Harley Davidson, in Clermont. However, once I got there and saw the hustle of the Harley Davidson employees and the dozens of fans walking about, I knew it was going to be a hectic day. I was given a Nikon camera and was told to take photos with both that and my iPhone, so pictures could be immediately posted onto the council's social media websites. It was tricky trying to maneuver both cameras, situate myself in a position where I could see the actors riding in on motorcycles, and get a good shot while also trying to push my way through the crowd. It ended up being a fantastic day! Here are just a few snaps from my iPhone. Nikon pictures to come soon!

Harley Davidson's Stormy Hill Store, Clermont, FL.

Florida Safety Council Learn-To-Ride sign
Cool shirts and fun Harley Davidson employees

Wonderful ladies of Florida Safety Council!

Hey Chibs (Tommy Flanagan)!

Seflie with Bobby (Mark Boone Junior)-he wouldn't let me smile!
Selfie with Opie (Ryan Hurst)


Friday, September 19, 2014

Flu Season is Coming

I remember the feeling vividly. I woke up, couldn't lift my head from the pillow because I was so dizzy; had chills all over my body, yet I was sweating. I had no idea what was happening, but as soon as the nurse saw me, she knew I had the flu. It was one of the most miserable experiences, and kept me from going to school for almost two weeks. When I recovered, I told myself that I am never going through this ever again. Now that I am in college, I have to take extra precaution against contracting the virus because who has time to be bedridden for two weeks, let alone a few days.


What is the flu?

The flu is an extremely contagious disease that is caused by the influenza virus. It occurs every year and is constantly changing, which is why it is so important to get the vaccine annually! Everyone is susceptible to catching the virus (this includes college students who think they are invincible!).  Although everyone can catch the virus, symptoms and severity range for different groups, such as babies, pregnant women, and the elderly.

Common Symptoms:

  • headache & fever
  • dizziness
  • body aches
  • fatigue
  • stuffy/runny nose
  • sore throat
  • possible diarrhea and vomiting


How to prevent it?

The only way to prevent contracting the virus is by getting vaccinated. A lot of people are confused as to why they have to get the shot annually, but it's because the virus changes year to year. Just because you got the shot last year, doesn't mean that it will protect you against this year's virus. The virus is contracted from being in close contact with infected individuals, or by touching surfaces they either coughed or sneezed on. It's important to carry hand sanitizer wherever you go, and to utilize the sanitary wipes before touching the shopping carts!


Where can I get the vaccine?

The vaccine is given by shot or nasally. If you are a college student, you can schedule an appointment at your institution's health center. You can also go to your local drugstore without an appointment and receive it, such as Walgreens, Publix, or Walmart. Or schedule an appointment at your doctor's office.


Friday, September 12, 2014

College Drinking: The Do's and Don'ts

With it being Friday and the weekend about to begin, I would like to share a post on drinking. Drinking is a shared pastime and activity for college students all over the country. As a college senior, I have heard almost every trick in the book of how to "sober up" and over the years, I have realized that many college students are unaware of what exactly alcohol does to the body, and are misinformed on how to sober up.

What Does Intoxicated Mean?

Alcohol affects the brain, which is the Central Nervous System of the body. It is also a depressant, so when consumed, alcohol suppresses nerve cells, slowing them down. A person that is intoxicated has had an excess of alcoholic drinks, and has lost control of basic motor skills and balance. This is why intoxicated persons are so easy to point out since they have slower reaction times, dulled hearing, and impaired vision. Also the reason why such persons tend to make bad decisions and have foggy memories.

Common Myths of How to Sober Up:

  • Take a cold shower
  • Drink black coffee
  • Smoke a cigarette
  • Get fresh air
  • Drink water
  • Eat food
  • Exercise
NOTE: None of these will make an intoxicated person sober. 


Time is a magical thing, and is also the ONLY thing that will make an intoxicated person sober. You should also use it as a basis to determine your driving capability. Usually, it takes 1 hour for your body to process one drink. One drink means 1 12oz beer, 1 glass of wine, or 1 1.5oz shot of
liquor. Remember that different people process alcohol differently. It is also scientifically proved that men process alcohol differently than women. NEVER try to compete with someone.

Stay safe and have a great weekend! 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

New Marketing Intern at Florida Safety Council


My name is Julia Clancy, I am the newest marketing intern at Florida Safety Council. I look forward to sharing posts that are relevant to safety and my everyday life as a college student! My first post was Driving Under The Influence-Don't Do It! I am currently a senior at Rollins College, pursuing a degree in communications with a concentration in Public Relations, and a minor in chemistry. I am new to Orlando, originally from the DC area. A lot of people ask me what I miss most about home and I always say autumn, but really nothing beats the sunshine and eighty degree weather. This position was intriguing for me because not only does it include my interests in marketing and PR, but also general safety practices and regulations!

Hope you enjoy,


Driving Under The Influence–Don't Do It!

According to the CDC, young people aged 21-24 are most at risk for getting into a DUI related crash. With colleges back in session, it is essential for students to remember what qualifies as driving under the influence, and how to take prompt action in order to prevent it. What exactly is driving under the influence? In the state of Florida, you are legally impaired if you have a BAC of .08% or higher. However, DUIs are not just alcohol related, but also drug.
 Police officers have devices and methods to determine whether  someone is impaired. They can use breathalyzers to get a reading of your BAC, or observe behavior, looking for red eyes and slurred speech. They can also conduct field sobriety tests that test a driver's motor skills and balance, such as standing on one leg or reciting the alphabet backwards. To avoid the embarrassment of getting pulled over and performing these tests, there are simple things college students can do–one of them being as easy as not getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol or drugs! 

Simple Ways to Prevent Getting a DUI:

  • If you feel intoxicated, DO NOT drive
  • Choose a designated driver before going out
  • Take a taxithe fare may seem like a lot, but is significantly less than a DUI fine! 
  • Limit alcohol consumption and wait the appropriate amount of time before driving
  • Carry a portable breathalyzer